Nordisk Fire Resistant Containers
The Nordisk FRCs have proven capable of containing an on-board fire for up to six (6) hours of flight.
The Nordisk FRCs for Lower Deck and Main Deck cargo compartments have proven capable of containing an on-board fire for up to six (6) hours of flight.
Positive testing of the Nordisk FRC has benefits for cargo carriers at heightened risk of experiencing on-board fires linked of hazardous materials, chemicals, or lithium batteries.
The Nordisk FRC design is based on tried and tested Nordisk design concepts and the latest technology in fire barriers for aviation. Nordisk's 40 year experience in ULD design ensure functional, durable and light weight ULDs that give the highest considerations to the safety of passengers and crew.
For more information contact:
Sim B.Y., VP Sales & Business Development, Tel: +852 9152 6033
Jackson Sin, Assistant Manager Sales and Business Development, Tel: +852 2587 9328
Hector Plaza, VP Sales & Operations, Tel: +1 805 306 9100 Ext 108
Europe Middle-East and Africa
Peter Grau, VP Sales and Marketing, Tel: +45 3245 4410
Hans van Rooijen, Area Sales Manager, Tel: +31 2354 00990